Kleindeutschland Skip to main content


Each school is invited, but not required, to provide a booth as part of Kleindeutschland. Most booths must fit on six-foot round table. Please indicate whether your school has specific needs, such as electricity. (BYU will provide outdoor power to the first table. Please bring extra extension chords to connect any additional tables.) If any vehicles are used, please indicate this so that we can arrange for the proper campus access. We may be able to provide a separate room/area for activities such as videos, music, sing-along, or folk dancing instruction. The activity should involve using the German language to achieve a goal, after which each student’s “passport” will be stamped. Bring your own signs and materials.

Students may enter their names into a raffle for Germany-related prizes when they present their completed passports. To enter the raffle, students should go to the Passkontrolle booth.

Please note as well that as some of these booths will have items for sale, students who wish to purchase items will need to bring their own personal funds.

Regular Kleindeutschland Booths:

Students will pick up and fill out their passports here.

Die Bäckerei
Students may purchase German baked goods.

Der “Bier”garten
Students may order Apfelschorle or Sprudelwasser here.

Das Gefängnis
Students who are found speaking English in Kleindeutschland will be sent to prison. They will be released after practicing some tongue twisters and singing some folk songs in German.

Students will play bingo for small prizes.

Der Souvenirladen
Students may purchase small souvenirs such as little stuffed teddy bears, German hats, German hat pins, etc.

Der Bonbonladen 
Students may purchase Haribo candy and chocolate.

Students will choose a poem or two to practice reciting with an advanced speaker of German.

Students in their first year of German will have a one-on-one conversation about themselves with an advanced speaker of German.

Die Fotokabine
Students will have their pictures taken with cardboard stand-ups of Bach, Martin Luther, and Angela Merkel.

Christkindlmarkt Booth
Visit this booth to learn more about Salt Lake City’s annual Christkindlmarkt and Christmas traditions in Germany.