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Individual Events

Baking Competition
Spelling Bee
Vocal Music
Visual Art
Piano/Violin solo

Baking Competition

All Levels

A student entering this competition will prepare a *traditional German baked good, provide a recipe for it in German, and submit a typed statement in English or German about the dish entered into the competition.

A Bakers Statement should include why the recipe was chosen and the historical significance of the dish in Germany. Entries without a typed statement and a recipe will not be considered in the competition. Students must include their name and school in each entry.

Entries will be scored based on taste, cultural authenticity, and baker’s statement.

Entries MUST be dropped off by 9:30am and picked up by 11:30am. NO refrigeration will be provided!

*Traditional does not include German Pancakes (which are actually Dutch) or German Chocolate Cake.
No cooking allowed!
For a reference, feel free to check out these websites for German recipes:
Taste of Home
Rich and Delish


Level I, II, III

Answer 10 questions about yourself. Questions vary based upon level.
Points will be assigned for each answer based on the rubric below.
The rating is based on the point total.


4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
0 Points
For each question:The student goes above and beyond question requirements. This score should be reserved for students who do an exceptionally good job of answering the questions, and should thus be given rarely, if at all.The student fully answers the question. While there may be pauses or hesitations, they do not distract from the student’s meaning. Vocabulary is accurate and varied.The student mostly answers the question. Some medium length pauses may be present. Vocabulary is mostly accurate and somewhat varied.The student struggles to answer the question. One word answers or long pauses and frequent inaccurate use of grammar.Student is unable to answer the question.


Level III+

Complete a 5-10 minute interview with a judge who will use techniques of the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview.


4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Fluency  and ComprehensibilityThe student can participate with ease and confidence in conversations on familiar topics. He/she can usually talk about events and experiences in various time frames. He/she can usually describe people, places, and things. (ACTFL Intermediate High)The student can participate in conversations on familiar topics using sentences and series of sentences. He/she can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering a variety of questions. He/she can usually say what they want to say about themselves and everyday life. (ACTFL Intermediate Mid)The student can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. (ACTFL Novice High)The student struggles to understand and answer the questions, even with repetition.
AccuracyVery few mistakes present; the student is able to use varied vocabulary and sentence structures.Some mistakes present, but nothing that distracts from the interview.Many mistakes present, but comprehension still possible.Errors make comprehension difficult or impossible.

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Level I

Level I students may bring a poem of their own to read or recite for a judge or may choose from a few poems to read for a judge.

Level II, III

Students will sign up for a time-slot and present from memory a complete poem of about 12 to 30 lines in length written originally in German.

Excerpts from longer poems are not acceptable.

The judge may ask one comprehension question in English. Provide a copy of the poem to the judge. Many suitable poems can be found at or other Internet sites.


Distinguished – 4 points (reserved for truly exceptional recitations)Superior – 3 pointsExcellent – 2 pointsGood – 1 point
DeliveryThe student presents the poem with both proper intonation and feeling.The student presents the poem with proper intonation. The delivery is smooth with proper pauses.The student presents the poem with mostly proper intonation, but with a few pauses or emphases in odd places.The student hurriedly recites the poem without thinking about the meaning behind it.
PronunciationAll words are pronounced correctly.95% or more of words are pronounced correctly.Most words are pronounced correctly; mistakes are not distracting.Many words are mispronounced, making it difficult to understand the poem.
MemorizationThe poem is completely memorized.The poem is completely memorized with 1 or 2 pauses.The poem is memorized. The student may need 1 – 2 promptings.The poem is not memorized.
ComprehensionThe student completely understands the poem.The student is able to accurately answer the follow up question.The student is able to answer the follow up question, though with less specificity as a “Superior” rating.The student is unable to answer the question.

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Level III+

At 9:30 in the assigned room, each student will be given 30 minutes to prepare a 3-5 minute speech that will be delivered verbatim or from notes. Students supply their own pen and paper and no phones will be allowed. At the end of the preparation time the notes are collected and handed back at the appointed time. Students will return at their appointed times to deliver their speeches.

The topic is on the life of a famous person from Germany. Students are to prepare before the German fair and they may use the following resources to find information about famous Germans. Students should come prepared to write a speech without tools.

Erich Kästner

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Caspar David Friedrich

Anne Frank

Clara Schuhmann

Käthe Kollwitz

Helena Zengel

Sophie Scholl

Sandra Hüller

Franz Kafka

Johannes Gutenberg


4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
OrganizationStudents write and speak in paragraphs rather than in unconnected sentences. There is a clear logic to the order of their points, which flow smoothly and support each other.Students write and speak in paragraphs rather than in unconnected sentences.Students write and speak in sentences, some of which are connected to each other. Their points may support their claim, but they are not organized.Students write and speak in unconnected sentences. There is no clear organization to what they are saying.
Quality of ThoughtStudents are able to describe the topic in detail and with nuance, presenting or recognizing multiple sides of the issue (I think x, though some may think y, because…” etc.).Students are able to describe the topic in detail. They take a stance and then defend it throughout the speech.Students are able to describe the topic with some detail. They have a stance/claim, but it lacks some support.Students are unable to describe the topic and lack a stance/claim.
FluencyStudents have excellent control of all time frames as well as accurate use of grammar (gender, sentence structure, etc.). Vocabulary is varied and specific, showing a good command of the German language.Students have good control of past, present, and future time frames, as well as mostly accurate grammar/vocabulary. There may be a few mistakes with gender or sentence structure, but nothing that would distract from the overall presentation. The judge can easily understand what they are saying.Students have moderately good control of past, present, and future time frames, though these may break down at times. Students use mostly accurate grammar/vocabulary, and although they make several mistakes, nothing distracts too much from the presentation. The judge can understand what they are saying.Students do not have control of past, present, and future time frames. They struggle with grammar/vocabulary, and it is difficult to understand what they are saying.

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Spelling Bee

Each school may enter a maximum number of 5 entries per level:

  • Level I
  • Level II
  • Level III+

Participants will be signed up online and in advance like the other events. No day-of entry will be allowed!

This is an oral, not a written contest. (NB: If all Level I words are used during the contest, Level I students may be asked to spell words asterisked on Level II.)

Here is the list of words from which students will be asked to spell.

Vocal Music

All Levels

One or more performers, including choruses, present one number, live, in not more than five minutes (including set-up). The text must be in German and preferably connected to the Theme of Germany. Accompaniment, where used, may be live or recorded. Singing along with recorded voices, lip synch, or merely dancing are not allowed.
Students should announce their name or school, the number, and composer as appropriate. A piano and a computer with audio capabilities are available. There are no rehearsal facilities.


4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
German PronunciationPronunciation is perfect with near native like qualities.All words are pronounced correctly, with 1–3 mistakes.Most words are pronounced correctly.Many words are mispronounced.
German IntonationIntonation is perfect with near native like qualities.Emphasis is given to important words; the intonation makes sense.Intonation makes sense, with 2–3 mistakes.Intonation is off; students don’t seem to understand what they are singing.
Musical TechniqueExcellent use of dynamics, flawless performance.Good music technique is observed.A few mistakes are present, but nothing that distracts from the performance.Mistakes distract from the performance.

Visual Art

All Levels

Students will create a visual art piece in any medium of their choice. They are responsible for transporting it and anything they need to set up the display. Students must write up a short artist’s statement (in either English or German) and attach it to their work of art. Entries without an artist statement will not be considered in the competition. The artist’s statement should include an explanation of their work, what it means to them, and how it ties into the theme.

This year’s theme is Germany and as such, the Visual Art’s theme will be die deutsche Kultur. Please use this website for inspiration: The pieces will be evaluated based on execution, creativity, how well the work relates to the theme, and completion of the artist’s statement.

Piano/Violin solo

All Levels

Students will perform a piano or violin solo. The song must be by a German composer.